Friday, January 1, 2016

How I get my kid excited about chores and saving money

This little magical system is the reason my son is excited about chores and saving money!

I got super lucky on Varagesale a couple of months ago, someone was giving away a TON of metal railings.  I had no idea what I was going to do with them but I had to get them! 
I mean seriously aren't they gorgeous???  

 I also found someone who was selling a bag full of curtain hardware for $2.
 I snagged it up and used spray painted those puppies to match my rod!  
I also had some s-hooks hanging out in my tool box, so I spray painted them to match too.  
Aren't they pretty??  I have found really cheap curtain hardware at Wal-Mart or also robe hooks work really well too!

Next up, I got another killer deal on Varagesale (can you tell I am in love with this app?).  I got a box full of 20 assorted Mason Jars for $10 including these beautiful big jars! I have a roll of chalkboard contact paper that I got from Hobby Lobby for $6 with my 50% off coupon.  Cut them to size and attach to your mason jars.  I love the chalkboard paper!! It has lasted forever and comes in handy with so many things!  I also found the beautiful black rocks for $1 at the Dollar Tree 
and a bag of Popsicle sticks for $1 too.

Next up, the meat of this awesome system!!! The chores :)

I have read alot about chores and allowance and there were things I liked and things I didn't like.  So, I decided that there are certain chores that my kids need to do solely because they are a part of this family.  We decided that cleaning their room, clearing the table, doing dishes and making their bed were the main chores that needed to be done and would not be paid for.  We also decided that these chores had to be done before they were able to do any chores for money.

I went around the house thinking of all the different chores that I would be good for them to do.  I wrote all the chores on the front and a price for each chore on the back.  When my son wants to earn extra money he grabs a stick then does the chore.  If he wants to get paid for it, he has to have either myself or my husband come and look at how good of a job he did.  Then we walk him through anything that needs to be fixed.  

Most of the chores I priced at 75 cents because I want my son to equally spread out all of the money he ears.  So, if he earns 75 cents I have him put 25 cents in each jar (for Save, Spend and Give).  He feels so empowered to take money into church and even more empowered when he has enough money to buy something!

Now, here is the part I really love!  All kids want what they want right when they want it, my son is exactly the same :) So anytime we got to the store and he wants anything at all, we tell him that he can use his own money.  Sometimes he really wants something and doesn't have enough money.  I allow him to borrow money from us.  Then he has to go home and write out an IOU, then he keeps track of how much he has earned and how much he still has to work off.  I love it! It makes him practice math and also learn about the concept of credit without all the huge life consequences he would have had later.  Fingers crossed it works!  He is already wanting to save his money instead of spending it on every silly item he sees.  He also really hates owing us any money, he actually earned $20 in one day because he owed his dad for a minecraft sword.  Makes my Dave Ramsey heart go pitter patter. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

It's peanut butter jelly time....

Are you anything like me and just stare into your pantry when it is time to pack your kid's lunch?
With all of the restrictions around school lunches I end up begging my son to just eat whatever the school lunch has today. Otherwise you are stuck trying to figure out what will stay cold by the time they have lunch and what is ok to send.  My son LOVES peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and is constantly asking if he can take one to school.  I would stare longingly at the peanut butter just wishing I could make one and send it to school!   

Then, came grocery shopping day and let me admit I use Walmart's grocery delivery (and i am in love, look for my next post on how amazing it is!) .  I put peanut butter into the search field and this amazing product came up!!!  Wowbutter and then name says it all! 

"Safe for schools! Tastes like peanut butter"  oh but its not peanut butter, but it really does taste like peanut butter.   Pssh, I was sceptical, but intrigued so I bought it.  Then I had my son try it and it really does taste like peanut butter!

Now, let me give you a little hint - if you send your son to school with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and tell him to tell the teachers it's not really peanut butter..... they totally won't believe him.  Then, they will make him go sit at a "not safe food table."  Yep, did you know those exist now? Well at my kid's school I guess they do.  I guess I should be glad they didn't just throw it away and make him buy a lunch.

The next day I knew better and then I also learned that the behind the label are these awesome stickers.  So, when my son was getting in trouble for bringing a "non-safe" food to school again, he just turned the container over and they let him eat his sandwich.  :)  Win.  
Now, I just have to get him to eat the veggies I send with him to school and we will really be winning. I hope this makes your lunch packing adventures even easier!

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

DIY Reusable Cleaning Wipes

Recently, I quit my full time plus job and went back to part time ***breathing a sigh of relief*** which is seriously the best decision I have ever made.  Even though it has been absolutely amazing, we have had to cut back and save anywhere we can.  One of the easiest places to start is on cleaning supplies.  I hate cleaning with a passion and clorox wipes have always been so handy and wonderful but the cost can add up when you have a house full of gross and messy boys!

So I saved an old clorox wipe bottle and took off the label.

 You could totally leave the container plain but my husband is a total crazy person about things being labeled so for the short term I just wrote on the container with a paint pen.  When I get more time I think I will make a cute label and attach it with contact paper so that it is water tight. 
Next, is the best part because you can finally found a use for all of the baby washcloths that I had laying around the house.  Were you more proactive than me and actually got rid of your baby washcloths? Find some at a consignment store, on varagesale or use a cut up t-shirt as super cheap options.  I just saw a pack of 24 on Varagesale for $1! I think I will be making another one to keep upstairs at that price!

  Fill the container as much as you can with the washcloths (or t-shirts, etc) 

Grab a jug of vinegar and fill the container up with the vinegar.  My husband really dislikes the smell of vinegar so I add a few drops of essential oils into the mix to help with the smell.  I have also found that squeezing a lemon into it gives a great smell too!  It's a great use for those lemons that are about to go bad.

You can close it up and leave it until you are ready to start cleaning.

When you are ready to start cleaning, grab the cloth on top and squeeze out the excess vinegar.

I always keep a small bucket or another container on hand to put the dirty wipes into as I am cleaning.  Then toss them in the washing machine and once they are clean, put them right back into the container!  I use a $2 jug of vinegar about once every other month. Way better than $10 a month! 

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Make ahead Strawberry Smores

Are your kids anything like mine? The minute my son comes home from school he wants to eat everything in sight and I have spent way too much time staring into my pantry for something to give him.  While camping last year I thought to myself that Smores would be the perfect after school snack! But how can I keep them on hand and keep my costs down? In comes my awesome idea.

First grab all of your items together, 
1. Graham Crackers
2. Strawberries sliced
3. Marshmallows
4. Bananas are a great addition as well!

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees.  Place rows of graham crackers on the cookie sheet and place one marshmallow on top of the graham crackers.
I found that it worked best to cook the bottom layer of graham cracker and the marshmallow for ten minutes. After ten minutes, take the cut strawberries and place them on the marshmallows.  Next, place the graham cracker on top and push in so the marshmallow sticks to the graham crackers.

Next, take a large container and place all the smores in the container.  If you are stacking 2 smores on top of each other I would put a sheet of foil in between so the 2 smores don't freeze together. 
Then you can toss it in the freezer.  I personally love them frozen, the marshmallows are perfect and squishy- so I eat them straight from the freezer.  My son on the other hand, dislikes them frozen so I pop them into the microwave for a couple of seconds. 


Monday, May 4, 2015

Confessions of a Stay a Home Mom

This is a topic that has been weighing on my heart for quite sometime and I hope someone can benefit from my experience.  I have had the privilege of staying home with my oldest son for 2 years before I slowly went back to work.  I have the rare view over the span of 2 children to have experienced 100% staying home, part-time work and full time working mommy and now (thank god) back to working part-time.  Here is what I have learned over the past 7 years.  I so did not appreciate being a stay at home mom, not at all.  Now don't get all up in arms until you keep reading, then you can burn me at the stake.

Being a first time mom is absolutely terrifying and overwhelming.  Thank god I did not have to juggle that with working full time, if I had I am not sure myself, my children or my marriage would have endured. That being said, being a full time working mom gave me a perspective from my husband's view that I never would have had before.

1.  Being a parent is exhausting, but working and being a full time parent is doubly exhausting,  I found myself coming home exhausted and mentally drained from work that I had a hard time connecting with my children.  When I stayed at home with my oldest son he talked at 12 months, he walked at 9 months, he knew all of his alphabet at 2 and spoke like a 4 year old.  It was a terrifying moment for me when I watched a video of my older son at 2 and you could understand him clearly and he could count for days, shortly after my younger son came into the room.  He was the same age and knew none of his letters, barely talked and had hit barely any of the milestones my older one had at a much younger age.  I knew in my heart that he was a different child but that I had failed him.  I had not put enough time and effort into him as I had my older child and he was suffering because of it.  Shortly after that I started adding books into bedtime and carved out a specific puzzle time.  I think that it is easy to be an unattached parent when you are a stay at home mom too, so whether you are working or staying home or a little bit of both I have to be very mindful of how I spend my time.  If the kids ask to read a book, read it.  If they are playing video games, ask them to come play a board game with you instead.  This is one I constantly struggle with.

2.  When I stayed at home my husband would be exhausted and all I wanted him to do was take the kid so I could read a book and take a bath.  Now, my husband and I are so much more aware of what kind of a day each other has had and we let each other relax if necessary.  He knows that I need down time and I now know that he does too, so when he walks in the door now I don't just yell tag your it and hide in the bathroom until bedtime :) Although there are SOOO many days I want to.  I think it is good to be understanding of them working but you are working too so on my husband's days off I take off for drinks with the girls, or a movie alone or just to shop in peace for an hour.  I am still not very good at saying I need time, but I think as mothers we need to take a page out of the guy's book and just tell them you will be back in an hour.

2.  I never appreciated the sacrifices my husband made to make sure I could stay home with our son.  I think because I never made his sacrifices feel appreciated he began to feel resentful and then would overspend out of frustration.  Now, after 3 years of 50-60 hour work weeks I am so appreciative of him when he picks up an off-duty shift to help supplement what we lost.  Thank god he loves his job, that make it easier for him to work a ridiculous amount too.

3.  I don't know what it is about being with your kids less but you literally have a lower tolerance to them.  It used to drive me insane when my husband had not see our kids for 4 days and had been awake for 2 minutes and was already yelling at them.   I remember thinking, oh my god what is your problem? You haven't seen them in days and all you can do is yell at them??"  That was one of those foot in mouth situations for me when I started working full time.  I had been working so much that I literally was seeing them 1 hour a day and in that hour I yelled about 20 times.  I am convinced it is a sensory overload thing,  you go to work and its so peaceful and quiet and no one is in your face and then BAM! you get home and your spouse is in your face and your kids are in your face and its so LOUD..... and before you know it,..... adult freak out moment.  I also think that as a stay at home mom you totally grow a tolerance to it, so that helps. Now, when I see a freak out moment coming I am much more understanding and try to give it a little and peace and quiet on my husband's first day off.

4.  Sometimes when you have an checked out husband the best thing that you can do for them is work part-time.  My husband is amazing, he works hard and is amazing at his job and is an amazing father but the moment he gets off work sometimes it's like a switch. Super productive husband is now ...blah. He seriously called me the other day and asked me where I keep the cleaning supplies..... and no we did not just move in,  I thought he was joking.....nope not even a little bit.... he didn't even know where to start looking. It was in that moment when I realized I totally enable him.  In the past, I always go the family lined up to make sure his extra shifts were covered if we needed childcare or made sure the house was clean and did all the laundry without asking for help.  I was exhausted and I am pretty sure he was convinced that we had Dobby living under our stairs.  You are staying home but you are still working hard and I think it is very important that dads still pitch in.   I think it is also very important for dads to set an example for their children that everyone in the family has to participate because they are a part of the family.  I found out the hard way that I can't expect my son to do chores when he asks "why? daddy doesn't have to do anything." ouch.  So, stop being supermom and ask him to help you carry up the laundry baskets or ask for help putting the clothes away.  It is good for him and your children.

5.  I totally should have cooked more because I appreciate nothing more after a horrendous day at work than not having to brave a restaurant or to start cooking.  Seriously, it is heaven.  I try very hard to make sure that I have dinner any day that he works now and miraculously he has started doing the same for me.

6.  Lastly, being a Stay at home mom is hard and thankless but you will never regret it.  I regret going back to work 3 weeks after having my son and missing out on most of his first 2 years and you will never have that regret.  Cherish the opportunity to have that time with your child and be mindful that your spouse is giving you an amazing gift.

Friday, April 24, 2015

The Easiest Cake Ever..... and it is Minecraft!

I don't know if your elementary school kiddo is like mine but mine is completely obsessed with Minecraft,  So when he asked to have a Minecraft birthday party I wasn't surprised but I did silently die inside...... Have you seen those characters??? Oh my goodness there is so many of them and for being so basic some are very complicated!  Let me tell you, I was so not looking forward to that cake!  I went to Pinterest for inspirations and found tons of Minecraft cakes, many I do not have enough talent for and then I found a couple like this one!

Video tutorial

 I fell in love with the simplicity of these cakes and thought "Hey! I can actually do that!"
and let me tell you...... it was even easier than I thought it would be.  Seriously this could be your first cake ever and it will come out AMAZING! That is how easy it is.

I made my cake from the box because I was running late! Dunkin Hines from the box cakes are the BOMB! I have made cakes from scratch and their blew mine away :( It was moist and so yummy. 
 I just baked it in a normal baking dish according to the directions - make sure to flour the pan!

Once it was finished, I let it cool and flipped it out the the pan, floured it again to make sure it did not stick and put it back into the pan.  Since I made the cake the night before, I covered it and put it into the fridge until the next morning.

Make your Jello according to the box & put in the fridge. 
Pay close attention to the color, one of the blue boxes is actually a red color! So don't grab that one :)

Cut off the edges to make a rectangle

Cut the cake into rows to make squares.  I counted out everyone coming and made sure there was enough for everyone coming and made slightly larger ones for the parents.

We tried every plate, dish, baking tray and platter we own and none of them worked to put the cake on so we used the lid of a paper box and covered it in foil and taped it to the box. Worked great with our short time frame, if you are doing it I would probably suggest buying a cardboard cake box or ghetto rig a box like us :)

The one part of the cake that has me stumped was the grass.  I had seen shredded coconut but seriously what child do you know that actually likes coconut? not mine at least! I thought about the candy grass from easter but my son's birthday is in February so I was out of luck for that!  I walked up and down the store's aisles looking for a tip that might work and then I saw this..

and it worked out AMAZING for the grass and was pretty delicious too.  It took one can to frost the cake like shown and then we took one more can with us to the party and frosted the pieces as we served them.  Make sure to stack the blocks with the biggest on the bottom and don't frost them until you are happy with how it looks. I frosted the pieces before the jell-o and rice krispies and I would suggest you wait until you have everything in place before you frost any of the pieces.  I had to move and messed up the frosting on a few pieces because once I added everything it did not fit.

I used this recipe  Perfect Rice Krispies for the Rice Krispies and it was fantastic! I would make them as you are putting the cake together so they do not get hard and stay squishy and yummy!!  Cut them into blocks when they are warm, not fully cooled down because it makes it easier to make them into the right square shape if you do. Just squish the sides where necessary.

Now it is time to cut the Jell-o and add it any way you want.  Now the easiest part of the whole cake was having my son choose which Minecraft toys he wanted on his cake- he chose his legos which were super easy because of the lego plates!  Make sure to wash they really, really good and I put a piece of foil to add stability and another layer of cleanliness for my crazy husband. I did our placement solely on how I could get his Minecraft legos to fit on top :)

I think it turned out pretty great and it was seriously the easiest cake to serve! 
Which is always handy during the always chaotic birthday parties and my friends who are on diets loved the Jell-o option.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Ribbon and Award Holder

I love showing off my son's achievements! 
How quickly they take over you fridge though :)

Over the summer I took off the cabinet doors in my laundry room and added baskets to give 
us more storage, so I had 8 extra UGLY cabinet doors hanging around.

I love using the cheap $1 paint from Hobby Lobby, I chose 2 blues for accent.
Next I went to the Dollar Tree and bought a package of wood clothespins, 
foam brushes and a picture hanging kit.  $3!

I love foam brushes because it moves the paint around enough to give it the cool textured look above. I let one color dry and the painted the other color on top.  I painted the clothespins and let them dry.

To finish it off, I hot glued the clothespins onto the cabinet door and added the hooks from the hanging kit on the back.