Friday, February 27, 2015

Harry Potter Time Out Chair

Have I mentioned how much I love my mom cleaning out her house? She found a set of 6 vintage school house kid's chairs.  They were such a cute size and shape and from the 30's, but they were pretty beat up from years of being used as step stools and well me and my cousins, just being us as kids :)  So I wanted to do something fun with them.  I am a HUGE Harry Potter nerd, so I figured a Harry Potter chair was perfect!  The front side of the chair I went with "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good" and when they are out of time out the back says "mischief managed".  I free handed the footprints to look like the marauder's map.  

Just like on a couple other projects I went with the crazy cheap acrylic paint ($1 bottle covered the entire chair) and a silver paint pen ($4).  Then I waxed the chair with Annie Sloan wax, that stuff lasts forever! I've done a desk, a dresser and 2 chairs and it is barely a quarter gone. It's pricey but in my opinion, totally worth the investment!

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