Friday, July 11, 2014

How I made an aquarium from a gumball machine

Love this fish tank?? Me too! My son has a superhero room and the red & blue goes perfectly!

It was one of the absolute easiest projects I have ever done and I am so sad I didn't take pictures of all the steps but hopefully it will all make sense :)

I got the gumball machine at Kohl's during the week of Black Friday (online!) for $8. You can find them almost anywhere though for pretty affordable amount.
I took out the inside metal rod and threw it away.
My dad does stained glass as a hobby and I bought one sheet of clear, basic glass and drew the outline of the base of the glass piece.  My lovely daddy then cut it out for me. Gotta love dads!!

I bought a small tube of aquarium glue (that you use to fix seams in aquariums).  
I glued the two pieces together & let it dry. Once it was dry I put water in it to test and make sure I didn't miss anywhere- I did so I just had to add a bit more glue.  Then I let it dry & checked again.

The tank has been awesome & easy to clean! The hard part has really been keeping the fish alive :)

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