Wednesday, June 10, 2015

DIY Reusable Cleaning Wipes

Recently, I quit my full time plus job and went back to part time ***breathing a sigh of relief*** which is seriously the best decision I have ever made.  Even though it has been absolutely amazing, we have had to cut back and save anywhere we can.  One of the easiest places to start is on cleaning supplies.  I hate cleaning with a passion and clorox wipes have always been so handy and wonderful but the cost can add up when you have a house full of gross and messy boys!

So I saved an old clorox wipe bottle and took off the label.

 You could totally leave the container plain but my husband is a total crazy person about things being labeled so for the short term I just wrote on the container with a paint pen.  When I get more time I think I will make a cute label and attach it with contact paper so that it is water tight. 
Next, is the best part because you can finally found a use for all of the baby washcloths that I had laying around the house.  Were you more proactive than me and actually got rid of your baby washcloths? Find some at a consignment store, on varagesale or use a cut up t-shirt as super cheap options.  I just saw a pack of 24 on Varagesale for $1! I think I will be making another one to keep upstairs at that price!

  Fill the container as much as you can with the washcloths (or t-shirts, etc) 

Grab a jug of vinegar and fill the container up with the vinegar.  My husband really dislikes the smell of vinegar so I add a few drops of essential oils into the mix to help with the smell.  I have also found that squeezing a lemon into it gives a great smell too!  It's a great use for those lemons that are about to go bad.

You can close it up and leave it until you are ready to start cleaning.

When you are ready to start cleaning, grab the cloth on top and squeeze out the excess vinegar.

I always keep a small bucket or another container on hand to put the dirty wipes into as I am cleaning.  Then toss them in the washing machine and once they are clean, put them right back into the container!  I use a $2 jug of vinegar about once every other month. Way better than $10 a month! 

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